Sophie’s World did it for Philosophy.
The Door with Three Locks did it for Quantum Physics.
Now The Limits of Life brings Biology to everyone.

Its authors define The Limits of Life as “a stroll through life in all its splendour”. We may add: “With many answers to age-old questions along the way.”
Bueno, Macip and Martorell are as familiar with genetics and biology as they are in communicating their knowledge in an inteligible way on all media.
It’s not strange, then, that the story of 14-year-old Lara (who’s in the hospital for a long-term illness and is visited by a mysterious doctor than initiates her in the story of her own life) has garnered so much acclaim. It is a story as full of knowledge as it is of wisdom.
Life is too complicated to understand.
No book will tell you this.
A novel in which you will find exciting answers to questions that you have always wanted to ask.
A stroll through life in all its splendour.
About the authors

David Bueno is a Genetics lecturer and researcher at Barcelona University and a writer and broadcaster. He regularly appears in the media.
Salvador Macip is a doctor, researcher and lecturer at Leicester University (UK). He is one of the most important scientific authors in the country, and a prolific science-fiction writer.
Eduard Martorell has a degree in Biology and is a lecturer at the International University of Catalonia. He is the author of textbooks and science books.