Just as Bridget Jones spoke for women of thirtysomething , Hypatia Pétriz does so for teenage girls. A book that will be carried in thousands and thousands of schoolbags.
H is a very real girl of 14, with very real probleams and anxieties. The difference is that she has a special talent for writing about it. This is her personal diary, a point of reference for a whole generation.
First Book

H is a 14-year-old girl with a huge talent for art and music. Of course, that doesn’t keep her from having the same problems as every girl her age.
In Diary of H. we can read, in her own words, about the 30 most intense days of her life up till now. The boy she fancies is in love with another. Her father, who’s been divorced for some time, insists on introducing her to his young girlfriend and tries way too hard for the two of them to become friends.
At least, H can take refuge in her music: she plays electric guitar and is beginning to get really good at it. Then comes the opportunity to participate in an important music reality
show which can earn her a recording contract. And now an anonymous person is trying to chat her up on Facebook. H’s life is starting to get really, really complicated.
Second Book

When an international conflict seems to be about to signal the end of the world, H. and her friends decide to spend their last few days together, doing what they’ve always wanted to, without thinking about the consequences.
In Pétriz capable hands, this all turns into a mischievous but likeable comedy that will once again touch the heart of all her young readers.
About the author

My name is Hypatia Pétriz. It’s my true name, not a pen name!
I was born August 28th, 1998, in Barcelona. Ever since I was little I’ve been mad about art.
In all its forms. I love writing. I read everything I can get my hands on. I sing and play electric guitar. I wrote Diary of H. aged 13, almost 14.
Due to its success in the Spanish market, Hypatia is writing the sequel: “The H Bomb”, to be published autumn 2014.